Somatic Psycotherapy for Individuals and Couples


I am glad that you’re here and looking to take the next steps in your healing, growth, and transformation.

I offer individual therapy and couples counseling. I work with clients to realize their deepest selves, and to live and relate from there. On the way, we include and welcome any and all parts that arise, offering them love and tenderness so that they can let go of their burdens.

Living from our deeper being takes courage. Its hallmarks are aliveness, a sense of meaning, purpose, joy, and flow that emanate as you move through life. It can also reveal itself through the circumstances of loss, disappointment, and despair as room is cleared to usher in something new.

I see myself as a guide, witness, and ally for you on the journey of your unfolding. I invite you to schedule an appointment or to talk more about working together. I look forward to connecting.

Meet here, where we meet only mystery to mystery, or we don’t meet at all.

Meet here where you find yourself by not finding yourself.

In this place where the quietness is deafening, and the stillness moves too fast to catch it.

Meet here where you are what you want

and you want what you are
